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                CN EN

                185 6623 8999

                sales@bltsshimozhipin.com 诚信12年


                work place: Shenzhen
                Number of people: 2

                Job responsibilities:

                1. Based on mobile Internet communications, social applications visual Xie ten work

                2.Toassisttheprojectteamtocompletethecollectionofresourcesdocument finishing work

                3. Decomposition of product features user needs analysis, according to interactive designers to complete the product interaction processinterface, interactive structure to generate high-definition visual design

                4. Through the Internet forums, microblogging channels for user feedback, existing products to carry out user interviews and usability testing

                Job Requirements:

                1. Based on mobile Internet communications, social applications visual Xie ten work

                2.Toassisttheprojectteamtocompletethecollectionofresourcesdocument finishing work

                3. Decomposition of product features user needs analysis, according to interactive designers to complete the product interaction processinterface, interactive structure to generate high-definition visual design

                4. Through the Internet forums, microblogging channels for user feedback, existing products to carry out user interviews and usability testing

                Send resume
                Web designer
                work place: Shenzhen
                Number of people: 2

                Job responsibilities:

                1. Based on mobile Internet communications, social applications visual Xie ten work

                2.Toassisttheprojectteamtocompletethecollectionofresourcesdocument finishing work

                3. Decomposition of product features user needs analysis, according to interactive designers to complete the product interaction processinterface, interactive structure to generate high-definition visual design

                4. Through the Internet forums, microblogging channels for user feedback, existing products to carry out user interviews and usability testing

                Job Requirements:

                1. Based on mobile Internet communications, social applications visual Xie ten work

                2.Toassisttheprojectteamtocompletethecollectionofresourcesdocument finishing work

                3. Decomposition of product features user needs analysis, according to interactive designers to complete the product interaction processinterface, interactive structure to generate high-definition visual design

                4. Through the Internet forums, microblogging channels for user feedback, existing products to carry out user interviews and usability testing

                Send resume
                电话: 400-888-7260 Skype,LED柔性屏,LED软模组,LED显示屏
                邮箱: sales@bltsshimozhipin.com 美亚迪邮箱在线咨询,LED柔性屏,异形屏,柔性软模组

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                在线客服 美亚迪邮箱在线咨询,LED柔性屏,异形屏,柔性软模组